Why Women Shouldn’t Vote

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In a previous essay, I used bees as a metaphor for perspective. You could say that the queen exploits the workers who risk their lives to build the hive and collect the nectar and make the honey. Or you could say that the workers exploit the queen by going about living their lives while she does nothing but give birth to more and more of them until she dies.

Or you could say that the queen and the workers live in harmony with each performing a valuable role to keep the hive humming.

In recent times, humans have made the mistake of believing that the work of building the hive is everything. “The queen should stop pumping out babies and go out and help collect nectar!” We say, somehow forgetting that without a queen at the center, there would be no hive.

We could be forgiven for forgetting — given that the human worker bees have been, for the last few thousand years, building statues to themselves and their penises — that society is built by men FOR WOMEN. Let me explain.

The Evolution of Human Society

Chimpanzees are the closest living relative to the modern human. Primatologists have discovered what could be the defining difference between our species, the single factor that led us to leave our cousins in the evolutionary dust: Sexual selection.

In chimpanzee societies, the higher status males claim the females. When female chimps go into heat, they will mate with any male who finds them. It’s up to the high status males to keep the low status males away. Human females are different. Human females choose. They will seek out the higher status males to mate with.

This means that, while chimp males decide what gives them high status — strength and reciprocity — it’s human females that choose which characteristics give our males high status. And females choose better characteristics. For instance, human females choose males who are strong and reciprocal, like chimps, but also who are compassionate enough to not murder babies, who are smart enough to deliberately grow food, who are brave enough to turn something as dangerous as fire into a tool.

That trend continues throughout the Anthropocene. Men always want to have sex with all the attractive women, and the women get to choose who they say “yes” to. So men work themselves to death trying to figure out what makes women say “yes” and becoming as good at those things as possible. 

We developed agriculture because women chose men who were best at understanding how food works. We developed architecture because women chose men who were best at providing shelter. And the strongest man in the world would lose an arm wrestle against an average chimp because human females have chosen intelligence over strength for millennia.

Society looks the way it does because women are so good at recognizing what is important, and because men are so good at becoming great at those things.

Today, men start and run all the businesses, as the feminists are only too happy to point out. But women choose which ones to buy from, which they conveniently fail to recognize. In a free market, men run the economy but women rule the economy.

The Principles of Men and Women

A major problem in today’s society is that women have become a significant force in politics.

As a result of the evolution of the division of labor between men and women, the personalities of men and women have evolved to succeed in different environments. Women’s natural environment is inside the home, dealing with close friends and family. Men’s natural environment is outside the home, dealing with strangers and the world at large.

Men’s central guiding principles are logic, hard work, individual responsibility, and justice. Women’s central guiding principles are emotions, generosity, equity, and mercy. And these principles are evolved to their domains. A home needs to be run on emotions, generosity, equity, and mercy to function — while logic, hard work, individual responsibility, and justice ought to be injected judiciously.

Unfortunately, society is the opposite.

If you take a huge group of strangers and set up society to reward their hard work and punish them for stealing and murdering, that group of strangers will generally do pretty well (and better if generosity and mercy are injected judiciously).

If you take a huge group of strangers and set up society to give them everything they need, regardless of how hard they work, and forgive them every time they steal or murder, then quite apart from the fact that no one will be motivated to produce everything society needs, the thieves and murderers will end up with all of it.

Women are brilliant at understanding why things should be done. They are terrible at determining how things should be done. 

For example, it’s women who look at society and say, “the poor should have more.” Which is true. When men were given that mission, Capitalism emerged. It doesn’t look like women want it to, but it gets the job done. The poor have more under capitalism. Now that we’re doing our best to see what women will do with that mission, we are moving in the direction of Communism. It looks exactly like women want it to, but it does the polar opposite of the job it is designed to do. The poor become poorer under communism.

Why Men Are Better at Teamwork

Men and women go out into society looking for different things: men want women, but women want men.

Because women choose, when men go out into society, they look to be chosen. They hunt, they build, they fight to earn the women’s favor. And because hunting, building, and fighting are always better done in teams, men have evolved a better understanding of how teams function. 

Have you ever seen an elite sports team lift up the team captain onto their shoulders? Men recognize the value of excellence. Even if holding him on their shoulders means he gets more women than they do, men know that a good leader means more achievement for the whole team, and more achievement means more women for the whole team. In other words, a smaller slice of a bigger pie is still more pie.

On the other hand, when women go out into society, they are looking for the strongest and most generous provider and protector so they can subordinate themselves to him.

So men naturally want a political hierarchy where each level elects their best to the next level up, and the highest level is held by the best leader. Women want a political dictatorship with the strongest and most generous dictator.

Men gave us the Constitution of the United States. Women gave us Stalin and Mao.

Why Most Men Shouldn’t Vote Either

You may have heard this statistic before, but every human alive today has roughly twice as many female ancestors as male ancestors. The natural consequence of women choosing the best men to procreate with is that no woman wanted the half of all men who were below average. So history has been a balancing act of some women choosing to share the best men and others choosing the best man they could get all to themselves.

A historical average of 50% of men were chosen by the women to build society. And a historical average of 50% of men weren’t good enough. As men become better and better at the things women choose as important, the standard just keeps going up. So 50% of men are always not good enough.

This is still very evident today. As women have swarmed into higher education and the work force, they’re doing fine. It’s men who drop out and become homeless drug addicts.

What gives men the motivation to make something of themselves is women’s attention, and without that attention, men become the most destructive force in society. While some direct that destruction inward at themselves, others direct it outward. Therefore, in line with the evolution of the human species, society should be built by the men that women choose. Unmarried men shouldn’t vote either. 

Except I’m not married.


Never mind.