I’ve heard that sentence many times, and I heard it again yesterday, “Dogs are better than people.” But why? It actually didn’t take me too long to figure it out.…
Imagine that you are in the front row at a marionette show when the puppet starts swinging out to kick you. Well, it’s just a little thing. It doesn’t hurt…
I’ll be honest, I had never heard of Mr. Beast about 6 months ago. I still don’t know anything about him except that he generates a lot of content, and…
Andrew Tate is a person with whom I have many strong agreements and many strong disagreements. He once said that he likes to phrase things to deliberately upset the people…
Click to read the Disclaimer! In a previous essay, I used bees as a metaphor for perspective. You could say that the queen exploits the workers who risk their lives…
Who watches the watchers? Well, naturally the watcher watchers watch the watchers. Who watches the watcher watchers? Well, naturally the watcher watcher watchers watch the watcher watchers. Who watches the…
Don’t ask me to track what sequence of thoughts led to my pondering this, but recently I was thinking about how I might talk about alcohol to kids. It’s an…